MoonLeaks opens up!
MoonLeaks will be open from now on! There is something we must do together. We must stop the Spanish Government from taking all hunting and working dogs out of the animal welfare law.
Table of Contents
All we need is love!
A few weeks ago, I announced that Moonleaks would stop publishing.
Since that newsletter, I have been deeply touched by the outpouring of encouragement, love, and support from so many of you. Your heartfelt words have shown me that the work we've been doing here has resonated with people, and that's incredibly meaningful to me.
However, as I mentioned, I've decided to take some time away from the blog due to various personal circumstances in my life. I don't have a clear timeline for when I'll be able to return to regular publishing, but I want you all to know that your support has not gone unnoticed.
In the meantime, I've decided to make many of our previously private posts, as well as our movie "Yo GalgoI want to express my deepest gratitude to those who have been loyal supporters through our subscription model," available to the public. This way, even while I'm taking a break, people can still access and benefit from the content we've created.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to those who have been loyal supporters through our subscription model. Your support has meant the world to me, and I hope we hear from each other soon.
If you'd like to unsubscribe from payments while I'm away, you can easily do so from your "profile" page. You'll still receive any updates that I send out, and you'll maintain your ability to comment on posts when logged in.
Thank you all for being a part of the Moonleaks community.
The urgent
The most urgent thing for us now is to stop the Spanish Government from taking out all hunting and working dogs from the new animal welfare law. Unfortunately, that means that thousands of dogs will remain unprotected from the abuses of their trade.
Watch and share our documentary
We decided to make our documentary available to the public without pay until the end of October. Then, the Spanish Government will present to vote for the amendment to their law and remove the protection that hunting dogs deserve.
Share our film Yo Galgo to help people understand the cruelty and constant abuse galgos suffer in Spain. Join the campaign #MismosPerrosMismaLey.
Watch Yo Galgo for free until the end of October!
Subtitles are available in eleven languages; choose yours by pressing the CC button on the corner. The Spanish Ministry of Culture recommends the film for audiences above 13 years of age.
Yo Galgo is the journey of filmmaker Yeray Lopez, who sets out to investigate the plight of the galgos in Spainmass-bred after his own galgo helped him get through a heavy depression. The investigation takes Yeray to the breeders, who use the dogs for hare coursing, and deep into the hunting world where galgos are mass bred in hopes of finding a champion. The film explores the passion for competing, breeding, and hunting with Galgos and the consequences such unregulated practices have for thousands of dogs yearly. Yo Galgo sheds Galgo'slight on the cruel, inhumane practices of modern-day hunters who have reduced an entire dog breed to a short-lived commodity. The film also explores the relentless work of organizations striving to help the ever-growing population of abandoned dogs.
Nominated at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards for ‘Best Original Song – Documentary.’
In Spanish
Tras recibir multitud de mensajes y apoyo tras comunicar que MoonLeaks dejaría de existir, he decidido mantenerlo, desarrollar la plataforma con nuevas funciones, como los comentarios en los posts, y hacer las publicaciones a partir de ahora públicas.
Creo que es un lugar de reunión y acción que ha demostrado ser eficaz, inclusivo, y muy activo en momentos de necesidad. Bien, pues este es uno de ellos. Hay que parar al gobierno español en sus ánimos de satisfacer a la minoría cazadora y desproteger a los perros de caza y de trabajo. Para ello y concienciar del drama que sufren los perros de caza, nuestro documental Yo Galgo estará en abierto hasta finales del mes de Octubre, cuando el PSOE votará su enmienda a la ley. Aún tenemos tiempo de parar esta locura! #MismosPerrosMismaLey.
Thanks for being here!
I appreciate your support immensely. I hope you found this post useful.
See you soon!
Learn more about Yo Galgo here
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